14 Most Fun Christmas Party Games for Everyone 2024

The holiday season is finally here, and what better way to celebrate than by throwing a fun and festive Christmas party? Whether you are hosting a big bash or an intimate gathering, one thing’s for sure—no Christmas celebration is complete without some fun Christmas party games. After all, games bring people together, create lasting memories, and you can keep the spirit alive all night long!

If you are looking for some easy and exciting Christmas celebration games then you have come to the right place. We have gathered a list of 14 of the most fun Christmas party games for everyone—from kids to adults, shy guests to the life of the party. 

These games are simple, enjoyable, and guaranteed to get everyone in the holiday spirit. Whether you are competing in a friendly game of Christmas charades, decorating cookies, or testing your knowledge with Christmas movie trivia, there’s something for everyone.

So, grab your family, friends, and a big cup of hot cocoa, because it’s time to kick off your Christmas party with some fun and exciting games.

Christmas Charades

It is a holiday twist on the classic game of charades. You can write down some Christmas-related actions (like decorating a tree, building a snowman, or riding in a sleigh) on pieces of paper, and take turns acting them out for the group to guess. 

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Christmas Bingo

Bingo is another fun Christmas party games. You can create bingo cards with Christmas-themed images like Santa, reindeer, snowflakes, and presents. As you call out the images, players mark them on their cards. The first person to complete a line wins a small prize.

Holiday Hot Potato

If you are looking for Christmas party games for work then this one is fun to play. For this, you will need to sit in a circle and pass a small gift or item around while music plays. When the music stops, whoever is holding the gift must open it and perform a fun task or answer a Christmas trivia question.

Christmas Memory Game

It’s time to check the memory of everyone. Place a bunch of Christmas items on a tray. Give everyone 30 seconds to memorize what’s on the tray. Afterward, cover the tray, and see who can remember the most items! (now you know who is the secret keeper)!

Holiday Pictionary

This is one of the fun Christmas party games like charades but with drawings! Split into teams and draw Christmas-themed words or phrases. You can use a whiteboard or large sheets of paper so that everyone can see.

Snowball Toss

If you are looking for some Christmas game for adults then you can use white cotton balls or soft foam balls as “snowballs.” Set up different targets (like empty cups or buckets) and have everyone try to toss their snowballs into the targets. 

Guess the Christmas Song

For something simple yet playful, “Guess the Song” is the perfect Christmas holiday party game. Play short clips of popular Christmas songs and have guests guess the title. You can also do a “Christmas Song Lyrics Challenge” where players fill in the missing words.

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Christmas Tree Decorating Contest

This is gonna be the most fun and playful Christmas party games. Give each team or family a small tree (real or artificial) and decorations. Set a timer for 10 minutes and let everyone decorate the trees. Whoever will dress the tress best, will win the prize. If you are looking to make it more engageful you can also blindfold them.

Who Am I? Christmas Edition

For someone throwing Christmas party games for work, this game is a must to have some fun. Stick a Christmas-related name on each player’s back (like “Santa” or “Frosty the Snowman”), and they must ask yes-or-no questions to figure out who they are. The first one to guess correctly wins!

Never Have I Ever

After such fun, it’s time for some Christmas game for adults. You can play the traditional game by replacing it with some Christmas items. You can place drink sips and ask deep questions. 

Christmas Candy Hunt

This Christmas game is fun to play with friends or office colleagues. You can hide different types of candy or holiday treats around the party area and challenge guests to find the most pieces. The person who collects the most wins!

Santa Says

A holiday version of “Simon Says.” Santa (one person) gives commands (like “Santa says touch your nose” or “Santa says hop like a reindeer”), and players must follow them. If Santa doesn’t say it, players shouldn’t do it! This is one of the most fun and joyful Christmas party games you should not skip.

Jingle Bell Relay

Place a jingle bell in a spoon, and players must race to the finish line without dropping the bell. For added fun, make them complete silly tasks along the way!

Holiday Mad Libs

Fill out a Christmas-themed Mad Libs together! Take turns filling in the blanks with funny or silly words. Then, read the final story aloud for some hilarious results.

There you have it – 14 fun Christmas party games that everyone will love in 2024. Whether you’re young or young at heart, these games will help make your Christmas party the most memorable one yet. Happy Holidays.

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